Wednesday, June 20, 2012


After doing an exercise for another class, I started thinking about what entrepreneurs have to do to make it big.  Yes, they have to have some idea that is innovative enough to be successful; but they also have to be able to make the idea appealing enough to others as well.  They have to market the idea to people who will want to invest in it which is sometimes easier said than done.  For example, Greg Carr is working to improve living conditions for the people and to restore wildlife in the Gorongosa wildlife park in Mozambique.  He is hoping to make it attractive enough to other investors so that tourism will increase and more money will flow to the country.  This seems like it would be difficult to motivate others to do; how appealing can it be to others to invest in a country ravaged with AIDS and poverty?  It takes a great leader to convince others that this will make them money.  I'm not sure how many people he's convinced, but he has been fairly successful in his endeavors so far.

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