Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Car ads

The evolution of car ads has been an interesting one to say the least.  These days I see commercials that I can't even make a guess as to what they are trying to sell until the very end.  In terms of car ads, it seems to me that some of their strategies are either showing new, technologically advanced features, or trying to appeal to their target market by instilling the idea that buying the car will make them feel or be perceived in a certain way.

Here's a little gem I found:
Kinda goofy that they go over ALL of the features of the little thing... Favorite moment is the magic glove that crawls out of the compartment all buy itself.

Here's a pretty interesting one:

Hmmmm... so when they did their research for their target market, did they find that all people who can afford a Jaguar and yachts and whatnot just want to be gorgeous?  Or are they just making that assumption and trying to appeal to them by saying "you have a lot of money so buy this car and you will instantly be gorgeous!!"?  Favorite moment:  "EVERYONE cares what gorgeous says"

One more weird one I stumbled across:
So I'm guessing they are trying to target everyone... but what a weird way to do it.  Favorite moment: freakshow scares away the bird flying up to the window.

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